That phrase, people of
the cross, has stuck with me, reverberating through my soul. They, of
course meant it in a demeaning way, but I’m thinking that it gets right to the
heart of the matter. We are people
rescued, identified, and directed by the cross of Jesus Christ… foolishness to
Gentiles and scandalous to Jews (I Corin. 1:23).
What happened on that beach in Libya is a stark reminder that civilization is not always a defense against
violence; that no one is promised a happily ever after; that God takes us seriously
when we give Him our lives; and that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of
the church. I know that last is true, because the images of the kneeling men,
their names, the unavoidable horror of what happened to them keep pushing to
the front of my mind. Keep shoving aside my concerns about appointments,
budgets, hobbies, weight loss, and myriad, mostly insignificant, things that keep
me worried all day long. It’s as if those men, now with Jesus are asking, “On what
are you spending your life?”
I’ve been around long enough to have attended numerous
services with emotional altar calls. I’ve gone to the front on many an
occasion, making my passionate declaration that God may use me as He sees fit. And
of course, in the heat of the moment, I’ve meant it. Then the reality of living
it out arrives, and I realize how often I slide into doing Christianity to benefit myself. Paying attention to the things which make me happy, rather than seeking
to know what my beautiful Savior wants. Too often wasting time, wasting
resources, wasting opportunities. Not spending
my life, but frittering it away trying to be liked, trying to get ahead or
trying to satisfy my human black-hole of want with the world’s goods.
And I know better. The
past ten years have seen rapid changes, in economics, morality, technology—even
our laws. We are poised at the edge of a future in which Christians—even in
America—will be faced with difficult choices.* The Spirit has been calling us to
deeper levels of trust in Jesus, and I kind of got busy with life and other
things and just…kind of…let things roll to a stop. Sheesh! But I also know that
God isn’t angry with me…He loves me enough to give me a swift kick to the seat
of my pants when I need to wake up. And I’ve needed waking up.
So during Lent I’m
asking, does my life show that I
belong to Jesus? Or have I simply given God a tithe of myself, reserving the remainder
for me, myself and I? Have I fallen prey
to the error that I can walk an aisle, say some words and then
walk out to live as I please? If I have, then the most loving thing God can do
is call me on it. It’s awfully easy to do, especially in America, where having
to pay full retail might be considered a calamity, and entertainment beckons
from every side. Listen, God loves America
too much to leave us relaxing in a warm bath of luxury; lulled to sleep by
Babylon’s siren song. We think we’re sitting pretty, but we’re wretched, pitiful,
poor, blind and naked. Those martyred Christians didn’t have much, yet they had
everything, and they are calling us to wake up! To measure ourselves against the
yardstick of Jesus, rather than America, and then repent.
When I came to
Jesus. I made an exchange—my mess for His perfection. I no longer belong to
myself. I am part of a glorious company (though we don’t seem so yet). Therefore
I must press on, not coast. I must seek Jesus as my absolute, utmost treasure, not my Sunday obligation. I must resist the allure of the world and all its
treasures…just as Jesus did before me. He had the right answer when Satan
offered Him all the kingdoms of the world. “away from me Satan! For it is
written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”
Not everyone will
die a martyr’s death, but millions have already. And Scripture tells us that
many more will join them before it is all over. I don't know what God has for my future, but I want to go forward with one
thing settled. I am a person of the
cross and I do belong to God. He can
do with my life whatever He wants, even if it means kneeling with me on a beach somewhere. I could never walk that road under my own steam, but Jesus can...He already did. He was the first and foremost Person of the Cross. And I'm with Him.
*Things that make you go hmmmm: check out the history of 1930's Germany to se the striking parallels between what happened then and what is beginning to happen today.
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